Repairing Your Workflow with HVAC Service Software

Aug 27, 2020 Cloud ERP, Field Service

With a need for skilled labor and specialized equipment, profitability for HVAC companies is difficult and requires workflow optimization. Just like providing preventative maintenance through proactive scheduling and monitoring equipment saves money on unnecessary repairs, HVAC companies need to apply this same thought to workflow processes and tools – proactively monitor what work is being done, how it is being done and who is doing it. Implementing the right monitoring and scheduling tool will allow companies to discover operational inefficiencies so you can repair your workflow.

Improve HVAC Scheduling

Inefficient scheduling is an often overlooked cause of operational inefficiency. Leveraging HVAC scheduling software is an ideal way to tighten up your workflow.Intuitive, real-time scheduling software creates a clear picture of jobs and availability. This ensures that all the right materials, equipment, and people are in the right place at the right time, meaning you are not wasting money paying for laborers to wait around.As well, this overview helps to avoid double-booking equipment. Being able to assign tools and equipment to specific jobs helps to avoid buying or renting duplicates of existing equipment. It also ensures tools and equipment requirements do not overlap and are available when they are needed for the job. This helps to keep your costs lower, increasing profit margins.

HVAC Asset Management

HVAC asset management reduces theft and loss, so they don’t eat into your profits. But beyond that, it also helps to tighten up your workflow. Having an automated software that keeps track of the use of your equipment not only let’s you know where everything is, but helps you identify which tools are in use the most (and least) so you know whether duplicates are necessary.As well, identifying when and where your assets are in use makes it easier to plan jobs around availability. It also lets you know when extra equipment will need to be bought or rented. This tightens up your workflow, preventing your HVAC technicians from waiting around for equipment to become available.

Contractor Management

As customers prepare for the needs of the summer or winter months, the need for inspections and repairs becomes a seasonal issue for HVAC companies. Scaling service resources up and down quickly enables HVAC companies to meet demand without having too many, or too few technicians. Having a tool that enables Contractor Services Management is essential to deal with the increase in job volume as subcontractors and seasonal hires are often a necessity. Having all the essential contractor information available at a glance will ensure the right contractor is dispatched to the right job, for the right cost of service.The best field service management software helps to ease this seasonal issue by providing key data on contractor services, specific details like what services individual contractors provide, their cost and charge rates, availability to work and detailed contact information. Having this detail at your fingertips makes hiring subcontractors and temporary employees simple.Contractor management services with an intuitive, easy-to-read layout saves you hours of searching through files and references. As well, these tools help to manage your full-time contractors, from payments to scheduling, keeping your workforce happy and your workflow efficient and profitable.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

A good HVAC CRM workflow is important for managing your large or growing business. The more moving pieces you have in your organization, the more complex your operation becomes. And complexity is the biggest cause of inefficiency.Simplify your workflow with customer relationship management software. These tools provide a consistent, organized approach, improving both efficiency and customer relationship. Good customer relationships are at the core of any successful field service company.

Ready to Repair Your Workflow?

Simplifying your complex workflows is at the core of establishing and maintaining a successful HVAC business. Implementing the right monitoring and scheduling tool enables companies to work smarter with greater ease and efficiency. The best solutions provide all the tools in one application, from creating quotes and work-orders, scheduling and dispatching, to managing customers and contract workers. An “all-in-one” tool will improve the efficiency, profitability, and quality of your service. Take advantage of automated HVAC service software to work out the kinks in your workflow. Call us today and discover how Taskflow Pro field service software can put your business on auto-pilot.


By Steve Facey

Steven Facey is collaborative leader with over 20 years of experience in retail, sales, marketing, operations, and technology. He believes in recognizing strengths and coaching to higher levels of performance, so that the right people are aligned to "WIN".